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  1. Spacey Contents Dropdown!
  2. ------------------------------------------------
  3. Chapter One: A Very Spacey Drama!
  4. ------
  5. Page 01: MS Paint! And a rebel. His name is Dathan.
  6. Page 02: The fugliest ships you shall ever see.
  7. Page 03: Meet Luther! And communications guy!
  8. Page 04: Meet PANDOR!! Rar. :)
  9. Page 05: Switching to OpenCanvas1.1! Yay! Yay!
  10. Page 06: That's a bad Mr. Piddles! BAD!
  11. Page 07: Now using GIMP! Go change your tunic.
  12. Page 08: Stupid Gravity.
  13. Page 09: Woof!
  15. Page 11: Maybe he has asthma? Woof!
  16. Page 12: It's against his nature to be serious.
  17. Page 13: Drat.
  18. Page 14: Weak ankles. Ouch.
  19. Page 15: Luther-vision is teh rawk. Pandor ish girly!
  20. Page 16: Say it like "YAH-SH".
  21. Page 17: Pandor is merciless! Or something.
  22. Page 18: I like Pandor's messy hair. Yup.
  23. Page 19: The very last thing he wanted to hear.
  24. Page 20: Pandor go boom! Panel two kinda sucks...
  25. Page 21: Feiru made cookies! Hey.
  26. Page 22: More time passed between page 21 and 22 than you think. Really.
  27. Page 23: Titanic VI: The Bootleg!
  28. Page 24: And I failed to make this page any good. Fooey!
  29. Page 25: Pandor Dreams... in technicolour!
  30. Page 26: Pandor... wakes up!
  31. Page 27: I am so proud of that foot. It isn't even funny.
  32. Page 28: Is Dathan... possessed?!
  33. Page 29: Ptfft. It's not that bad. Or is it?
  34. Page 30: After much delay--the next page! Rar!
  35. Page 31: KA-ZAPPY?
  36. Page 32: Ish pounced!! :3